Saturday, November 3, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The Rebirth of Kalinga Advocate
The concept of using the media in advancing developmental efforts of an organization or an agency is not new. This is the very core of what is stylishly known as Development Communication – an approach that is anchored on the principle “communicating with a purpose.”
It follows the simple premise: if something good has been accomplished, and as a result of such accomplishment, positive change has been attained – resulting to a tangible impact – then that “something good” should be made known through all the available media in its various forms.
While it is true that government offices are here to serve the common good, with public leaders carrying out the mandates for which they were installed in the first place, the cause of pushing for stronger support from the people is made easier when they are completely aware of what leaders are trying to achieve.
True, traditional media would scoff at this methodology – for it does put under the limelight the leaders who are currently in position. But there is nothing wrong with that, since they are indeed performing tasks expected from them. A little line of logic: how could people know about the options available for them when they are completely left in the dark? How can a farmer from Bayabat know of the existence of dispersal projects when no efforts were made to disseminate it? How can a house-maker from Tuga know about livelihood trainings?
Any information – regardless of its source, whether a government information officer or a media practitioner from a private media organization – is always news. Treatment may vary: a private media practitioner may put slants, while a government information officer may take the “highlighting” stance – but still, the intent is the same: to inform.
Kalinga Advocate takes the direction of whetting the people’s right to know – believing that in so knowing, some beneficial changes may be effected in the lives of those who became aware.
As this paper is given a new lease on life, the cause of meaningful change shall be the underlying fabric that weaves all the aspects of development under one cast – which is why its editorial staff and its list of contributors is a conglomeration of this community’s currently active writers.
Tabuk Central School Implements NEPP
It cannot be denied: we seem to have lost the effortless adeptness that we used to have where the English language is concerned.
In here comes the National English Proficiency Program (NEPP) as a national strategy to arrest the staggering decline of Filipinos’ English proficiency. The program is anchored on the concept that learners and teachers become equally responsible in developing an atmosphere where English is the language of instruction.
The learning module for the program goes as far as “knowing the learners first – where they came from, their life in their communities, and their spoken and unspoken needs.” Clearly, this necessitates a very committed role on the part of the teacher.
When teachers at the Tabuk Central School learned that the school would take the lead in implementing the NEPP, adverse reactions were observed and noted. But this initial feedback got slowly eroded as the teachers who were trained began to appreciate the various approaches contained in the program.
First is the so-called 2C2IA (Cognitive, Constructive, Integrative, Interrelated and Affective Approach); the CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) and the LEA (Language Experience Approach) which utilizes the WBL (Whole Brain Literacy Framework). These series of methodologies may seem confusing – but they do make the learning of English as fun and as meaningful as possible. All it takes is the sharing of a common interest between the teacher and the learner and a common vision to use the language in real-life situations.
It should be made clear, however, that the approaches are not really new to teachers because they have been using them – there are just some new innovative insertions and modifications, as well as additional activities so that the learning process would be more meaningful and interesting.
Also, the young student’s advanced view of life is given focus, with emphasis on the influence that the youth may be deriving from fast-changing technologies. The key idea is to cultivate a balanced literacy where the brains of the youth can be made to concentrate on the learning tasks at hand. This is what WBL seeks to attain.
As one of the regional coordinators for NEPP, we are tasked to conduct trainings for other trainors not only in our respective divisions, but even in other regions. Coordinators from the MIMAROPA (Mindoro Oriental, Mindoro Occidental, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan) Region and the Ilocos Region were the first to be trained, followed recently by the Cordillera Administrative Regiun, the National Capital Region and the Cagayan Valley.
Tabuk Central School started to implement the program in the first grade. Teachers like Sally Wandaga, Julia Sandoval, Imelda Dinnang, Erlinda Ramos, Eufemia Ducusin, and Gemma Tolentino initially balked at the new concept but later on realized how advantageous the program is – despite being very tiresome.
The end of the sessions with the teachers made us all realized that, aside from grasping new ideas, we also learned to appreciate one another better – and this has been deepened by fruitful discussions that we had.
The demonstration done by the teachers proved how much were imbued from the training. Indeed, education is a continuous process, and that teachers need to be updated with the new directions in the educational system.
by Marciano Paroy Jr.
Research becomes meaningless when its results gather dust in shelves overflowing with literature devoted to technical subjects. Technology becomes useless when its advantages cannot be utilized by a target segment of the population which is supposed to benefit from it.
Not so in the case of the Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Research and Extension Department of the Kalinga Apayao State College. Having spent a considerable amount of fund, time, and effort on the improvement of banana suckers that would produce disease-resistant plantlets, the Laboratory, manned by tissue culture expert Dr. Hazel Buslig, is now ready to reap its first batch of plantlets that have been cultured to ward off diseases, and grow to be robust – thereby potentially increasing the profit considerations of banana farmers.
After several months at the tissue culture lab, and after proving to be adaptable in Tabuk climatic conditions when they were moved to the demo farm, the lacatan banana plantlets can now be dispersed to farmers who are always looking for the best plantlets to raise. The plantlets are also targeted to enterprising farmers who may want to shift to banana production.
Banana cultivation, of course, is not a foreign crop of choice to farmers in the province, as there are many of them who also include the crop in their overall production projects – rightfully recognizing it as one of the high-yielding value crops that are being prioritized by the Department of Agriculture.
“Farmers now have the opportunity to avail of lacatan plantlets that have passed rigorous culturing inside the laboratory,” Mr. Ferdinand Ganotice, KASC Research Coordinator, said. “But farmers, especially the new banana growers, have a lot to consider; like the proper handling of plantlets, the time of planting, the distance of planting, and the method of planting.”
“That is where we can extend additional help to the farmers, since we have technical experts that can address concerns on banana production,” Dr. Maximo Garming, KASC Extension Director, added.
With the lacatan plantlets readily available, does it mean that farmers can visit KASC and buy their plantlets here?
KASC Hosts Reg’l Training Workshop On Vermi-Compost And Vermi-Meal Production
Dr. Eduardo T. Bagtang, KASC President, welcomed the 23 participants from the various agencies and State Universities and Colleges in Cordillera Administrative Region. He thanked Dr. Guerrero for considering KASC to be tapped as the Regional Vermicompost and Vermimeal Production Project (RVVPP)Training Center through the Philippine Council on Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD)
According to Dr. Herbert Imatong, Project In-charge of the RVVPP, the rationale of the RVVP is to promote the vermicompost and the vermimeal production technologies nationwide through techno-demo, training and techno-transfer in strategic regional centers in partnership with SUCs and LGUs and the private sector. Specifically, the program should demonstrate the commercial feasibility of producing vermicompost and vermimieal as an economical and environment-friendly option for the recycling of biodegradable materials(household, municipal and farm wastes); and to mass produce the suitable earthworm species (African night crawler) for dissemination nationwide at a price of P30.00 per kg or less for increasing access of small farmers to earthworm biomass and enhancing livelihood opportunities while reducing pollution of the environment.
Both the Provincial and Municipal governments expressed their support and cooperation for the project. Governor Floydelia R. Diasen was represented by Mrs. Aster Caruso, Executive Assistant for External Affairs, while Mayor Camilo T. Lammawin, Jr. was represented by Mr. Laurence Bayongan, Municipal Administrator.
Dr. Guerrero, in his message, gave emphasis on caring for mother earth and one of the ways is to take care of earthworms. He gave assurance that the African night crawler will not be another pest.
The Training Workshop covered the following topics: Overview of the Vermiculture Industry in the Philippines and its potential for livestock and aqua feeds by Dr Guerrero; Management Requirement of African nightcrawler for production; Economics of vermicompost and vermimeal production by Dr. Guerrero and Dr. Imatong; Role of Vermicompost In Sustainable Crop Production by Dr. Jovita Saguibo; Values Enhancement for Sustainable Vermiculture Project by Dr. Maximo Garming
The second day of the training was devoted to action planning and workshop, visit to the vermiculture project site and presentation of outputs.
Participants were given the chance to view the process of taking care of the earthworms , the gathering and combining of the waste they are going to eat and how to stock the vermicompost.
By Marciano Paroy Jr.
Banana production is one viable farming venture. However, its production in the province has not reached considerable proportions yet since most farmers fear the risks associated with the crop – specifically, the diseases, like bunchy top, that easily attack the plants as early as the plantlet stage.
But this will soon be addressed by the production of high-quality plantlets that have passed efficient propagation techniques inside the laboratory. These planting materials are currently undergoing what is known as tissue-culture method or micro-propagation inside the tissue-culture laboratory of the KASC Research Division – currently the only tissue-culture lab in the province. Dr. Hazel Buslig oversees the method, having undergone training to equip her with the necessary expertise.
According to Researcher Buslig, tissue culture is a rapid technique used in the production of planting materials by breeding them with the help of an artificial nutrient under sterile condition, which is why the technique should be housed under a carefully monitored lab.
“The advantage of using banana plantlets that have been cultured is obvious. Aside from having higher rates of reproduction, they are sure to be disease-free at the moment of planting, and they very high resistance to the possibility of catching disease as they grow. It’s even more practical because a single stock may produce hundreds or thousands of plants,” the tissue culture expert explained. “Actually, the technique is very much in use in Benguet, particularly by growers of potatoes, orchids and cut-flowers.”
Mr. Ferdinand Ganotice, Research Coordinator, added that the plantlets housed at the tissue-culture lab of KASC will soon be planted at the banana research area. Their growth shall serve as the school’s show window for interested researchers and farmers to observe. When assessed and recommended to be transferable for the community, the plantlets will then be sold to farmers so that they may benefit from the utilization of planting materials that shall erase their apprehension about going into banana production full blast.
Local Colleges Offer Ladderized Courses Approved by TESDA and CHED
by Marciano A. Paroy Jr.
With the current trend of offering ladderized courses in college, the Kalinga-Apayao State College (KASC), the Kalinga Colleges of Science and Technology (KCST), the Saint Louis College of Bulanao (SLCB), and the Cordillera A+ College of Technology (CACT) have overhauled their curricular programming for the courses Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (for KASC), Bachelor of Science in Criminology (for KCST), and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (for both SLCB and CACT).
These ladderized programs have all passed through the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Director Julie Banganan explains, “The TESDA Provincial Office scrutinizes the curriculum of the program being submitted for ladderization, after which we shall forward it to the regional office. The memorandum of agreement is both given a stamp of approval by TESDA and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).”
According to the Provincial Director, the four tertiary institutions mentioned above have all satisfied the requirements for their programs to get both the CHED and TESDA approval.
“This ladderized scheme is our response to the present mandate of higher education institutions to respond to the need of providing students with as many alternatives as possible when they enroll a certain course,” Dr. Joseph Aguilar, Dean for KASC’s Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, said. “I should mention that KASC is the eleventh school in the Philippines to have its ladderized BAT program approved for offering.”
The Dean explained that if a student decides to take up a certain course, – say, BSA – by the time he finishes his first year in college, he can already be given a National Certificate which would attest that he has earned one-year worth of expertise that makes him legible to land a job within his field. By the time he finishes his second year, another certificate is earned, and so on, until he finally earns the four-year degree.
Ladderization realistically accepts the fact that, in time, a college student will have the tendency to stop pursuing the degree originally enrolled. The certificates strewn along the academic ladders would then provide the inevitable dropouts with opportunities to land jobs even without completing the degree.
Simply put, a student does not have to finish the course to find a job.
“That’s viewing it off-target,” Ms. Cleofalyn Gayaman, a KCST instructor countered. “A ladderized curriculum simply opens other doors for a student who may eventually decide not to pursue the complete degree due to various reasons, like financial constraints.”
The KCST program on Criminology indeed gives Certificate of Security Services (NC-1) to a student who has completed his BSCrim first-year (and NC-2 for a student who has completed his second year) so that he can already opt to apply for a job in security services that minimally require only the level he has attained.
As for Information Technology, both the BSIT courses offered by SLCB and CA+CT follow a ladderized curriculum. The competencies earned during the lower years, according to Director Banganan, would be of great help to the students who may be gainfully employed already as computer programmers, both here and abroad.
“As of now, we are still offering BSIT as an independent course,” Jefferson Tagtag, KCST instructor, commented. “although Director Banganan has been urging us to have our BSIT curriculum ladderized as well.”
The role of agriculture in rural development is sometimes overplayed up. In excessive supply are technical experts who can automatically deliver a plethora of proposals at the click of a finger – as if giving a series of possible cure to a disease whose cause they have fully diagnosed.
Most of those who blabber technicalese are well-meaning though. And they do have a bag of tricks that can nip a symptom at its early outbreak.
Take the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry (IAF) of the Kalinga-Apayao State College as one distinct example. As the department most directly involved with agricultural extension, and with its impressive roster of technical experts, the IAF has added Agbannawag in its list of barangays that it caters to.
The on-going extension project in Agbannawag is firmly anchored on the precept that if a certain community has to eradicate its problem on food scarcity, then that community has to learn the essentials of food production.
But a barangay can only do so much with its own limited territory – and this becomes an even more pressing problem if the topography does not call for considerable agricultural cultivation.
Here enters the very basic principle of conversion of idle lands to meet the demands of food production. Dr. Joseph Aguilar, Dean of the IAF and project leader for the endeavor, appropriately addressed the concern in his lectures titled “Crop Production and Management” and “The Establishment and Management of Plantations.”
The seminar-training focused on better techniques in the cultivation of root and tuber crops, particularly sweet potato and yam (ubi), that are adaptable to hilly and marginal lands.
The undertaking, funded by the Extension Office under Director Maximo Garming, was able to train 96 participants – most of them farmers, but with several housewives and young trainees. Aiding Dr. Aguilar in the training were Dr. Visitacion Aguilar, Mrs. Iluminada Calbuyao and Mr. Daniel Suma-al from the Municipal Agricultural Office of Tanudan – also Dr. Aguilar’s student in the masteral program of KASC on Rural Development.
Dr. Amado Imper, KASC Vice President for Planning and Extension, recognized that the farmers may know much already, but that there may have been a lot of new knowledge that they have picked from the lectures. The VP also lauded the IAF for making the dissemination of beneficial know-how as one of its thrusts.
Only into his first year at the topmost seat of the Kalinga-Apayao State College (KASC), President Eduardo Bagtang has engineered a series of developments through his leadership savvy – the most notable of which is his recent drive to have six programs simultaneously submitted for accreditation.
For several years now, the state college had been making attempts to meet accreditation standards – and Dr. Bagtang’s predecessors at the management helm had indeed done their best to make the leap. The dawdling process somehow got the necessary shove it needed when Dr. Serafin Ngohayon of the Ifugao State College of Agriculture and Forestry (ISCAF) sat for a brief period as the Officer-in-Charge from November 2005-March 2006 – a fleeting stint in his career which has earned him a place in KASC history for having masterminded the accreditation process for the Teacher Education programs of the state college, and getting the nod for Level 1 status.
Inspired obviously by such feat, Dr. Bagtang immediately put accreditation right into the apex section of his concerns when he took over the reigns from Dr. Ngohayon in March 2006.
What Dr. Ngohayon did in such a transitory span of time, Dr. Bagtang did in about the same duration – not for one or two programs, but for six programs!
Last December 2006, accreditors from the well-revered Accrediting Agency for Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACUP) came and dug into the documents, pored into the minute details and concerns, raised areas of contention, and inconspicuously jotted down texts and figures into their notes.
And by January of this year, the convoluted mixture of text and figures finally got quantified and qualified. AACUP weighed in, and gave its approving nod to the six programs: BS in Forestry, BS in Agriculture, BS in Agricultural Engineering, BS in Commerce – Management, AB Political Science, and AB History.
It’s about time really. What it obviously needed was the committed ascendancy which Dr. Bagtang displayed – so stirring enough for his human resources to respond and shoot for his vision.
A remarkable accomplishment, from whichever angle one may look at it.
“Now that we have crossed the first stage, we shall keep up with the pace set forth by the President,” Dr. Carmelita Ayang-ang, Vice President for Academic Affairs, remarked. “I have no doubt that with the leadership he exemplifies, the process of accreditation shall be a continuous endeavor until all of the programs shall have passed the levels needed to be attained.”
Accreditation, of course, is but one of Dr. Bagtang’s numerous plans for KASC. Adept in financial management, which has incidentally earned him his post as Auditor in the ASCU-SN, he may yet resolve how to better manage the finances of a cash-strapped institution like KASC.
As he has announced during the recently held Foundation Day of the school last January 26, “We shall look at one direction, and we shall tread the same path that leads us all to that which is but a mere speck in our far-reaching vision.”COA Equips KASC With e-NGAS
by Marciano A. Paroy Jr.
The finance department of the Kalinga-Apayao State College joins the ever-growing number of agencies that opted to have a fully automated accounting system through a five-day training attended compulsorily by finance and administration personnel, on from Aug. 27 to Sept. 1, 2007.
The training, given by experts from the regional office of the Commission on Audit (COA), aims to equip finance and administration personnel with a state-of-the-art technology known as Electronic New Government Accounting System (e-NGAS).
As posted in the home page for the program (, e-NGAS is an accounting software developed by COA which aims to simplify government accounting, and provide adequate internal controls, as well as reliable and timely financial management information without sacrificing data integrity and fiscal transparency. Implementation of e-NGAS is under the Government Accountancy and Financial Management Information System (GAFMiS) of COA.
The training in KASC, led by Ms. Mary D. Bacwaden of COA-CAR, showed that e-NGAS is a powerful accounting tool that gives its users an immediate picture of the school’s entire financial situation by generating accounting reports and statements at the click of the mouse.
The features of the system include the following: Automated recording of accounting entries to the general journal, posting to the subsidiary ledger and the general ledger; Automatic checking of balances between debits and credits; Adequate security control mechanisms for data integrity and accuracy; Up-to-date generation of government standard reports necessary for management and auditing purposes; Real-time query of interim reports and documents; User-friendly screen; Simplified entry of financial transactions and activities, using transaction templates; Use of responsibility accounting for a more detailed financial reporting and analysis
“This makes our work so much easier,” Mr. Jeoffrey Peralta, KASC Accountant, expressed. “It is to our advantage that the administration has decided to avail of the benefits that the system provides. We shall no longer have problems on pegging how much a certain unit or department still has in its coffers.”
Mr. Peralta also added that if COA returns to fully put the system in place by October, KASC may be the first state college and university in the region to use e-NGAS.
The training was attended by personnel from the Accounting Section: Rex Duclayan and Renee Anjinette Chaclag; from the Cashiering Section: Mary Sarne, Normalyn Buen, Erlingine Sison, and Lourdes Natarte; from the Budget Section: Danilo Buen; from the Payroll Section: Antonio Pang-ay; and the Supply Office: Romulo Langgaman and Artefino Buen.
“After this training, we shall make it the administation’s commitment to have the system implemented the soonest time possible,” College President Eduardo Bagtang said.
Mr. Hector Cortes, one of the trainors, said “We are impressed by the enthusiasm showed by the trainees, and we commend the officialdom of KASC for embarking on this undertaking.”
KASC Creates Website
Responding to the need to hook up with the unrestricted network of information-sharing, the Kalinga-Apayao State College has just created its own website, accessible via
In the official website, College President Eduardo Bagtang says “As you continue to search KASC's website, you will find various programs of the college that makes it an interesting educational institution. The dedicated and hard working faculty and staff make the college more promising institution for students who would like to craft a better future and be competitive in the world market.”
The site offers “clickable” tabs into its different areas like Administration, Instruction, Research, Extension, Production, Admission, and Special Projects. Strategically embedded are the all-too important Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives as well as the History of the State College.
The website is continually being developed and maintained by the IT Team headed by Engr. Manuel Bilagot Jr. and Mr. Javyee Flores.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
by Marciano A. Paroy Jr.
Kalinga-Apayao State College has recently gotten the nod of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) when the two agencies elevated the state college to Level III-A from its previous Level II.
SUC leveling (for State Colleges and Universities) is periodically conducted by DBM and CHED to evaluate the performance of SUCs along the areas of Instruction, Research, Extension, and Management of Resources.
“This leveling process gives the concerned SUC a solid revelation of how far the school has gone in terms of achieving its mandates,” Mrs. Perfelia Buen, Board Secretary explained. “As for KASC, we have attained an overall score of 20, fifteen points away from the maximum points of 35.”
In the evaluation summary, KASC scored well in the area of Management of Resources – which is not surprising, considering that the state college has been awarded this second quarter for being Very Satisfactory in the field of Physical and Financial Management, a clear proof of President Eduardo Bagtang’s astute handling of resources and finances.
“What is good with SUC leveling is that it tells us the real story of all our endeavors,” Mrs. Buen further explained. “The rating we have clearly shows that we have a long way to go before we reach the highest level of IV. The College President has to continue with the direction he has taken in order to reach the highest level.”
Alsiyang, Barcellano Win Campus Top Posts
The two campuses of the State College conducted simultaneous election for two sets of officers in the KASC Faculty Club. Mr. Placido Alsiyang Jr. won the Presidency for the Dagupan Campus, while Dr. Emerson Barcellano won in the Bulanao Campus.
The two Presidents shall face each other for the plum position of Federation President – which shall earn the winner a seat in the KASC Board of Trustees, representing the Faculty. Dr. Emerson Barcellano, as the incumbent Faculty Trustee, will have to woo voters from the camp of Mr. Alsiyang in order to retain his seat in the BOT when the two sets of officers shall federate this month.
The Dagupan Campus set of officers under Mr. Alsiyang includes Vice President Paulino Reyes, Secretary Leonora Bruno, Treasurer Virginia Petang, Auditor Christopher Vargas, P.R.O.Jessie Grace Martin, Business Managers Steve Uy and Fortunato Tenay.
Dr. Barcellano’s team in the Bulanao Campus includes Vice President Herbert Imatong, Secretary Bernadette Aggabao, Treasurer Helen Bais, Auditor Letty Viernes, P.R.O. Agnes Balawan, Business Managers Rafael Padre and Marilou Adora, Sentinels Esmerlyn Bayangan and Solomon Lao-aten.
By Marciano A. Paroy Jr.
Ms. Glorina Diaz-Reyes, Kalinga Chapter Administrator of the Philippine National Red Cross, led the team of communicators from various agencies that have converged to launch an information-education-communication (IEC) campaign on blood donation and the battle against dengue and rabies.
The PNRC-led team, with representatives from the Department of Health, Bureau of Fire, Department of Interior and Local Government, Office of Civil Defense, and other line agencies, tagged KASC students as their audience during the July 31 leg of their IEC drive.
Ms. Reyes, in her lecture, bashed the myths on blood donation that are most often feared by potential donors. The Chapter Administrator stressed the all-too important concept of saving, borrowing and donating as she said, “When we have given something, it is only then can we expect to get back something in return. Maybe not now, but in the future. Maybe not for us, but for our loved ones.”
The PNRC-Kalinga Chief also pointed out the importance of saving other people’s lives, and enjoined her young audience to donate anytime they can be capable of donating – “because you may never know when you would be needing blood.”
Squeezed into the PNRC lecture was the info-sharing done by Mr. Jun Pardito from the Kalinga Provincial health Office. His lecture was on the recurring problem of the community on dengue and rabies, which he interspersed with documentaries dealing with the problems.
It was during the open-forum where the students’ views and concerns regarding the discussed issues were aired. One particular issue was a question asked by Ms. Haydee Lumatac of the DevCom Department, who wanted to know whether the Local Government of Tabuk has any plan to resolve the problem on the insistence of “tandok” experts to exercise their un-hygienic trade.
“Our local government is in fact passing an ordinance that would finally reprimand and punish those who practice the tandok system,” Mr. Pardito answered. “Kaya sorry na lang yung mga taga-tandok natin sa community. This is a practice that must really be stopped. I assure you, you will be aggravating the problem if you go for a tandok, because it is 100% palpak.”
On the active participation of the KASC students and faculty, nurse Regie Ramirez (of the KPHO) said, “The attendance of both students and teachers was quite impressive. They interacted positively with us, and gauging from the depth of the questions they threw us, we were relieved to know that the youth are somehow concerned with community issues.” Ms. Reyes and Mr. Pradito were also given able support by Ms. Donalyn Las Marias, Mr. Nelson de Jesus, Carmen Mamanao and Frances Sebastian. The activity was made possible through Dr. Adoracion Taguba, KASC’s Director for Student Services and Admission, with the aid of Student Coordinator Mr. Tulles Banwa.
By Marciano Paroy Jr.
For the first time since assuming her post as the provincial governor, Hon. Floydelia Diasen visited KASC by serving as the Guest Speaker and Inducting Officer during the State College’s Mass Induction of Officers last July 25 at the Tabuk Gymnasium.
Obviously feeling nostalgic, the Lady Governor expressed how much she misses going to her classes. “But sacrifice has to be made, and I have to stand by the changes that came my way,” she noted.
Earlier, Dr. Carmelita Ayang-ang, Vice President for Academic Affairs, said that her bid for the Presidency of KASC may have been destined because a greater task awaited her at the Provincial Government. The VPAA said, “She left a post at the Institute of Health Sciences where she had already masterminded a series of developments, and put into motion her many plans.”
As the Inducting Officer, the Governor focused on the ability of student leaders to follow as they lead. She stressed that “the essence of leadership is followership. One cannot become a leader without following.”
She told her audience to advocate the creation of a climate that is conducive to a leadership style that realizes the vision of the organization under which one belongs.
Facing a group of potential leaders, she enjoined the student officers to take part in the attainment of her PEACE agenda for the province – explaining to them its elements of Peace and Order, Education, Agricultural Productivity, Culture and Tourism, Environment and Health.
Echoing GMA’s words in her State of the Nation Address this month, the Governor advised the young leaders that if other people get in the way of one’s goals and objectives, then the concerned leader must do something about resolving the conflict so that the leadership aspirations would be accomplished without hassle.
The Governor’s speech took an emotional turn when she lightly touched on the late Atty. Rommel Diasen’s death. “I asked myself why this thing should happen to me, but as Dr. Carmelita Ayang-ang told me, ‘Floy, it’s time to brace yourself for a higher level of service,’” she said.
The Lady Governor ended her speech by reiterating her commitment to serve the province of Kalinga for the next three years with sincerity and efficiency.
Dr. Ayang-ang noted that the Governor’s departure from KASC has left her as one of the very few pioneering instructors from the old Kalinga Community College. The dwindling group includes Mrs. Edna Yumol and Dr. Gloria Floresca.
***** Gov. Diasen had also served KASC as the Director for Student Affairs and Services, and during her stint as such, she has pushed for the accreditation of clubs and organizations – prohibiting the formation of groups that are not duly recognized by the school.
By Marciano Paroy Jr.
Mr. Ryota Okazaki, part of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) Batch 127, has recently completed his two-year stint at the Kalinga-Apayao State College where he was stationed as an expert-consultant on environmental and mapping concerns.
Arriving in 2005, he was taken in as part of the KASC’S on global information system (GIS) – an undertaking initiated by Dr. Jovita Saguibo and Engr. Manuel Bilagot during Dr. Venus Lammawin’s last year as president of the state college. The GIS project uses satellite technology in accurately delineating territorial boundaries and topographical features of all land types – and come up with a mass of technical data that would be useful in planning and implementation of projects.
Mr. Ryota, a holder of a degree in forestry, shared his expertise in furthering the outputs of the GIS project. With the other members of the GIS team, Engr. Bilagot and JV Flores, he had been busy roaming the hilly and forested terrain of the province. After two years of collecting data on-field, and storing these data into the computer database, he had accomplished what he has originally intended to attain for KASC.
The Japanese volunteer, who hails from the city of Kyoto, is part of a Japanese team that included Ms. Aya Monoi (in physical education); Mr. Takeshi Mori (in computer technology); Mr. Koichi Nakamura (in welding technology); and Ms. Hiromi Tanaka (in education). Like Ryota, these young men and women were turned over to their respective local partner organizations (LPOs) last 3 May 2005. And now that the volunteerism contract expired, they are now ready to leave the Philippines. Fortunately, they will be replaced by other visionary young people.
JOCV Resident Representative Mr. Katsumi Yoshida and Joselito C. de Vera Executive Director of the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) are behind the scheduling of the volunteers. The major areas of assignment of the volunteers are education, social work, youth counseling, aquaculture, environment conservation and protection.
As part of their preparation, JOCV and PNVSCA adopted a cluster-based culture and language learning that is geared toward easier and faster adjustments of the volunteers. And Ryota did learn to like a lot about his host province: he came to love binungor, pinakbet, lauya, and basi which according to him is not that different from their native sake (Japanese for wine).
Ryota was given a formal send-off party by the KASC administration during which College President Eduardo Bagtang expressed his sincerest appreciation for Ryota’s work – which the school benefited from. For free.
By Marciano Paroy Jr.
Information technology (IT) is the buzzword these days in all fields – whether in governance, commerce, warfare, and all other areas. Especially in the field of education.
With the classroom as the setting where the youth undergo formal inception of knowledge, it has to be equipped with appropriate materials and gadgets that would hasten the learning process. The computer, undeniably, responds to this. All schools recognize that the preparation of schoolchildren to move higher in the educational ladder would be handicapped without their exposure to information technology.
So, fill the classrooms with computers, one might say. Until one realizes the problems attached to the very idea of acquiring computers. But it would not be as complicated as it may seem, if one knows where to go.
And the Kalinga-Apayao State College – Laboratory High School did exactly know where: the Congress.
As part of his program on furthering educational growth in Kalinga, Hon. Laurence Wacnang, Congressman for the province, responded to the request from a number of secondary schools in Kalinga by allocating budget for the purchase of computer units.
The allocation of budget was coursed through the Department of Education (Dep-Ed) Regional Office – CAR. The regional office then identified an IT company to serve as the conduit of the materials to be transferred to the recipient schools. For the Cordilleran schools, Hub Trading won the contract.
“There are now five schools in the province of Kalinga that have received their computer units, courtesy of the Congressman,” Antonio Zeta, Seminar Director for Hub Trading, said. Zeta handles the crash-course seminar for recipient schools on basic computer program operations. He observed that the trainees who attended the one-day seminar last October 19 at the Laboratory High School of the KASC were all advanced users. He added, “KASC is by far the luckiest school we have visited because the school has been given twenty units.”
The turn-over ceremony took place right after the training activity. Ms. Rosita Sakiwat, invoicing representative from the Dep-Ed – CAR, officially transferred twenty computer units complete with accessories, tables and swivel chairs worth P2,696,200.00 to KASC, with Mrs. Rosalina Gunaban, Director for Administration and Finance, receiving the properties in behalf of the College President, Eduardo Bagtang, who earlier solicited for the gadgets.
“Speaking for the KASC community, we are extending our deepest gratitude to the Congressman for his deep concern and interest in improving the quality of education in the province,” Ms. Corazon Osdeg, KASC-High School Principal, stressed. “We would also like to say thank you to our higher-ups at the Regional Office of Dep-Ed.”
By Marciano A. Paroy Jr.
Ma. Gracia Padaca (Isabela), Luisa Cuaresma (Nueva Vizcaya), Josefina Dela Cruz (Bulacan), Teresita Lazaro (Laguna), Bellaflor Castillo (Aurora), Carmencita Reyes (Marinduque), Josephine Sato (Mindoro Occidental), Salvacion Perez (Antique), Gwendolyn Garcia (Cebu), Milagrosa Tan (Samar), Rosette Lerias (Southern Leyte), Aurora Cerilles (Zamboanga del Sur), Imelda Dimaporo (Lanao del Norte), Ma. Elena Palma-Gil (Davao Oriental), Daisy Fuentes (South Cotabato).
Floydelia R. Diasen (Province of Kalinga).
Thus goes the list of women elected as governors in the country. Some of them have sought re-election, while some have moved on to the House of Representatives. Nevertheless, they have all become members of the Governors’ League – further cementing the study conducted by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which lists the Philipines as one of the most “gender-fair” countries in the world. The UNICEF report on the state of the world’s women and children observed that the Philippines has accomplished “significant progress in the involvement of women and young people in the political decision-making process.”
Dr. Floydelia Diasen, though relatively new in the realm of political decision-making, has, for the past three decades, a contributor to rural development by way of teaching – a stint that takes the biggest chunk in her resume where professional experience is concerned.
“My stay with KASC since 1979 has effectively imbued in me the management skills that I would be needing,” the governor-elect replied when asked whether her long-time career in the academe would be sufficient as preparation for the tasks at hand at the Capitol Hill. “I had, for a long time now, been holding administrative roles in KASC. Plus, it is now an opportunity for me to put into motion all the concepts I have been teaching about public administration.”
Following is the transcript of the actual conversation with Dr. Floydelia R. Diasen:
MPJr: You would be remembered in KASC as being considerate. Would this flexibility still be around, now that you are the chief executive of the province?
FRD: I would strongly push for a people-oriented administration. I do recognize that planning does not involve only one mind – therefore, I would be heavily advocating participatory decision-making. But of course I have to be firm in areas where strong will is needed.
MPJr: Indeed, you were cast as a strong-willed woman during the campaign period. Where exactly did you draw this strength from, considering that you are still grieving?
FRD: It is still a matter of wonderment for me how I managed to keep up with the demands and pressure of the campaign period. I think, at the back of my mind, is the prodding resolve to continue what has been started. As our battle cry says, “On with the fight.”
MPJr: Has there ever been a moment when you felt like giving up?
FRD: A lot of times. But then I keep getting my inspiration and willpower from the outpour of support from people. There had been an overflowing show of love and care that I could not do anything but give in to their clamor that I should pick up where my husband has left off.
MPJr: If I may touch a bit on the late Atty. Diasen, you mentioned last April to Mariz Umali of GMA-7, “What makes me sad is that it happened in a place where my husband and I would feel very safe.” How have you been coping so far?
FRD: Only God knows how I have been handling it all. It’s a miracle, really. What keeps me going now is the thought that I have been given something to do, and I have to do it. People believe that I can do it – that is inspiration enough.
MPJr: It’s written somewhere that our true source of strength are the people around us – and not from within ourselves as other philosophers would like to stress.
FRD: That is true. After asking guidance from God, I simply looked around me, and there the people were – believing in me, pushing me. It really re-invigorated me. It made me feel I could trust people again.
MPJr: And soon it will be your turn to give back to these people who have such trust in you.
FRD: Yes. It would be a pleasure to serve them, and the whole province. I have been a politician’s wife for such a long time, but never did I entertain the idea that I would one day be a politician myself. As a politician’s wife, I have been dealing with people only from the sidelines.
MPJr: Now you also have former rivals to deal with. How would you launch your camp’s healing scheme and bridge gaps with those from other camps?
FRD: The occurrence of a healing process is the natural course of events after elections. That’s why I keep appealing to all my supporters and friends to let go of the pain and animosities that we allowed to build up during this past campaign and election period. We should move forward, and instead work together – whatever side one may be identified with.
MPJr: Your arrival at the capitol is highly anticipated, that your departure from KASC is somewhat overshadowed. Would you be missing your former “professional home?”
FRD: I have always thought that I would retire as an educator, but given the circumstances, I have to put that behind me. I cannot say that I would be leaving the academe, because part of me would always be an educator. Instead, I shall be bringing this with me and see what I can do in the field of education for the province. I only have three years to serve, and I just wish that I could serve the people uninterrupted. After which, I shall then bow out and retire. (End of interview)
Dr. Diasen’s addition into the list of female governors further establishes Philippines’ 6th rank out of 115 countries on gender equality – the only country in Asia to land in the Top 10.
According to the Manila Times (Dec. 16, 2006), “Filipinos have elected a great number of women senators and representatives. Female governors and mayors run provincial and municipal governments across the country. The Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals and the judiciary have benefited from the wisdom of women justices and judges.
“The barriers are formidable, of course. But their stories demonstrate the power, the place and the potential of the Filipina.”
By Marciano A. Paroy Jr.
With the current trend of offering ladderized courses in college, the Kalinga-Apayao State College (KASC), the Kalinga Colleges of Science and Technology (KCST), the Saint Louis College of Bulanao (SLCB), and the Cordillera A+ College of Technology (CACT) have overhauled their curricular programming for the courses Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (for KASC), Bachelor of Science in Criminology (for KCST), and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (for both SLCB and CACT).
These ladderized programs have all passed through the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Director Julie Banganan explains, “The TESDA Provincial Office scrutinizes the curriculum of the program being submitted for ladderization, after which we shall forward it to the regional office. The memorandum of agreement is both given a stamp of approval by TESDA and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).”
According to the Provincial Director, the four tertiary institutions mentioned above have all satisfied the requirements for their programs to get both the CHED and TESDA approval.
“This ladderized scheme is our response to the present mandate of higher education institutions to respond to the need of providing students with as many alternatives as possible when they enroll a certain course,” Dr. Joseph Aguilar, Dean for KASC’s Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, said. “I should mention that KASC is the eleventh school in the Philippines to have its ladderized BAT program approved for offering.”
The Dean explained that if a student decides to take up a certain course, – say, BSA – by the time he finishes his first year in college, he can already be given a National Certificate which would attest that he has earned one-year worth of expertise that makes him legible to land a job within his field. By the time he finishes his second year, another certificate is earned, and so on, until he finally earns the four-year degree.
Ladderization realistically accepts the fact that, in time, a college student will have the tendency to stop pursuing the degree originally enrolled. The certificates strewn along the academic ladders would then provide the inevitable dropouts with opportunities to land jobs even without completing the degree.
Simply put, a student does not have to finish the course to find a job.
“That’s viewing it off-target,” Ms. Cleofalyn Gayaman, a KCST instructor countered. “A ladderized curriculum simply opens other doors for a student who may eventually decide not to pursue the complete degree due to various reasons, like financial constraints.”
The KCST program on Criminology indeed gives Certificate of Security Services (NC-1) to a student who has completed his BSCrim first-year (and NC-2 for a student who has completed his second year) so that he can already opt to apply for a job in security services that minimally require only the level he has attained.
As for Information Technology, both the BSIT courses offered by SLCB and CA+CT follow a ladderized curriculum. The competencies earned during the lower years, according to Director Banganan, would be of great help to the students who may be gainfully employed already as computer programmers, both here and abroad.
“As of now, we are still offering BSIT as an independent course,” Jefferson Tagtag, KCST instructor, commented. “although Director Banganan has been urging us to have our BSIT curriculum ladderized as well.” “The four-year degree is still the real thing, of course,” Director Banganan said. “Ladderization should not give the notion that a four-year degree is not that important anymore. Also, a certificate which a student has received as early as his first year would give him further preparation in his chosen field. With his certificate, he can already seek employment which can support him as he completes his degree.”
by Marciano Paroy Jr.
The Kalinga-Apayao State College has just been named by the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD) as one of the 16 vermiculture centers in the Philippines – and the only one in the region.
College President Eduardo Bagtang and Mr. Herbert Imatong are behind the project titled “Implementation of Natural Vermicompost and Vermimeal Production” which has been allotted P1 million, straight from the coffers of PCAMRD in Los BaƱos, Laguna through Executive Director Rafael Guerrero III.
According to project associate Herbert Imatong, “the vermi or earthworms are important in enriching the soil with organic matter which comes from biodegradable materials such as dead plants and animals that the earthworms ingest. “ Dr. Jovita Saguibo, Research Director, added that “The castings of earthworms, also known as vermi-compost, is an excellent soil enhancer and high-quality fertilizer for organic farming. This is a perfect alternative to using chemical fertilizers, and this has been proven in field tests. Earthworms can also be made into vermi-meal – a feed for fish and other domesticated animals.” The “African Nightcrawler” (Eudrilus eugeniae) is the earthworm species suited to be grown in the Philippines for the production of vermi-compost and vermi-meal. Vermi-compost is used or sold as organic fertilizer for plant and crop farming. Vermi-meal is used as an alternative for imported fish meal that we feed to fish and other farmed animals.
As the overall project coordinator, Dr. Eduardo Bagtang assured PCAMRD that the vermiculture station in KASC can sustain the production of at least one ton of earthworm biomass in an area of at least 1,000 sq.m. monthly.
“At present, earthworms are sold at P600/kilo,” Mr. Imatong further explained. “But with this project, we hope to bring down the cost to P30/kilo. When the demo-farm will be fully established, it will serve as a facility for techno-demonstration, training and information service for CAR provinces.”
For vermiculture projects all throughout the country, PCAMRD has been allocated with P17.9 million by the National Economic Development Authority through the Philippine-Japan Support for Underprivileged Farmers. The PCAMRD is the sectoral council of the Department Of Science and Technology tasked in the formulation of strategies, policies, plans, programs and projects for science and technology development; Programming and allocation of the government's internal and external funds for Research and Development; Monitoring and Evaluation of Research Development projects; and Generation of external funds.